2024 Sunday Worship Services
12/29/2024 - "In My Father's House" - Luke 2:41-52 >
12/24/2024 - "The Meaning of Christmas" - Luke 2:1-20 Christmas Eve Service >
12/22/2024 - "Mary's Song" - Luke 1:39-55 with music from the BCC Handbell Choir >
12/15/2024 - "Winter's Grace" - A Cantata for Christmas
​12/8/2024 - Due to technical issues - there is no recording
12/1/2024 - "Able to Stand" - Luke 21:25-36 >
11/24/224 - "Testify to the Truth" - John 18:33-37 >
11/17/2024 - "Birth Pains" - Mark 13:1-18 >
11/10/2024 - "Mighty Mites" - Mark 12:38-44 - Veterans' Day Service >
11/3/2024 - "The Last Question" - Mark 12:28-34 >
10/27/2024 - "Loving New Americans" - Leviticus 19:33-34 > [Guest Speaker: John Tilden]
10/20/2024 - "Service Above Self" - Mark 10:35-45 >
​10/13/2024​ - "One Thing" - Mark 10:17-30 >
10/6/2024 - "Divorce & Children" - Mark 10:2-16 >
9/29/2024 - "Whoever is Not Against Us" - Mark 9:38-50 >
9/22/2024 - "Teaching His Disciples" - Mark 9:30-37 >
9/15/2024 - "Follow Me" - Mark 8: 27-38 >
9/8/2024 - "A Banner Day" - Mark 7:24-37 >
9/1/2024 - "Cleanliness vs. Godliness" - Mark 7:1-8,14-15,21-23 >
8/25/2024 - Due to a power outage damaging computer - there is no recording.
​8/18/2024 - "Bread of Life II" - John 6:51-58 >​​​
8/11/2024 - Due to a power outage during service - there is no recording.
8/4/2024 - "The Work God Required" - John 6:24-35 >
7/28/2024 - "Feeding the Multitudes" - John 6:1-15 >
7/21/2024 - "Come Away with Me" - Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 >
7/14/2024 - "Anything You Want" - Mark 6:14-29 >
7/7/2024 - "Without Honor" - Mark 6:1-13 >
Due to a power outage during service - this day is recorded in 2 parts.
6/30/2024 - Galactic Blast - VBS Presentation (Part 1) >
6/30/2024 - Galactic Blast - VBS Presentation (Part 2) >
6/23/2024 - "Staying Calm in the Chaos" - Mark 4:35-41 > [Centennial Celebration]
6/16/2024 - "What Shall I Do With It" - Matthew 11:25-30 > [Guest Pastor: Rev. Russell Brammer]
6/9/2024 - "A House Divided" - Mark 3:20-35 >
6/2/2024 - "Looking for a Reason" - Mark 2:23-4:6 >
5/26/2024 - "Born Again" - John 3:1-17 >
5/19/2024 - "Pentecost" - Acts 2:1-21 >
5/12/2024 - Worship Service Not Filmed due to Chapel renovations
5/5/2024 - Worship Service Not Filmed due to Chapel renovations
4/28/2024 - Worship Service Not Filmed due to Chapel renovations
4/21/2024 - "The Good Shepherd" - John 10:11-18 >
4/14/2024 - "The Fish Fry" - Luke 24:36-48 >
4/7/2024 - "That You May Believe" - John 20:19-31 >
3/31/2024 - "I Have Seen The Lord" - John 20:1-18 - Easter Sunday >
3/28/2024 - "The Last Supper" - Matthew 26:17-25 - Maundy Thursday Service >
3/24/2024 - "Festival of Faith" - Easter Cantata / Palm Sunday >
3/17/2024 - "Jesus Predict His Death" - John 12:20-33 >
3/10/2024 - "The Bronze Serpent" - John 3:14-21 >
3/3/2024 - "Then They Believed" - John 2:13-22 >
2/25/2024 - "Turning Point" - Mark 8:31-38 >
2/18/2024 - "Made Alive by the Spirit" - 1 Peter 3:18-22 >
2/11/2024 - "Mountain Top Experience" - Mark 9:2-9 >
2/4/2024 - "The Whole Town Gathered" - Mark 1:29-39 >
1/28/2024 - "The First Miracle" - Mark 1:21-28 >
1/21/2024 - "Left in the Boat" - Mark 1:14-20 >
1/14/2024 - "Come and See" - John 1: 43-51 (audio only) >